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Hydraulic Track Press

Hydraulic station, called hydraulic pump station, is an independent hydraulic device. It supplies oil according to the requirements of the driving device (main engine), and controls the direction, pressure and flow of oil flow. It is applicable to various hydraulic machinery where the main engine and hydraulic device can be separated.
After purchase, as long as the hydraulic station is connected with the actuator (oil cylinder and oil motor) on the main engine with oil pipe, the hydraulic machinery can realize various specified actions and working cycles.
Oil cylinder stroke
100 mm (3.94 inches)
Pressure set range
65 mm -135 mm (2.56 inches - 5.31 inches)
Screw diameter
45 mm (1.77 inches)
Pump pressure
70 million mpa
After-sale service 
Online support, video technical support
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